
This page features events hosted by the studio’s Founders. To see all other offerings hosted by our independent teachers and wisdom keepers, visit our Community Calendar.

Ongoing Events

  • Shamanic Stretch is a self-care, therapeutic movement class designed to help you connect with your most Natural Self. In this class we’ll explore how to listen to the body and intuitively give into what it's craving through deep stretching, self-massage, breathwork, sound healing, and ecstatic-somatic movement. This class will provide you with a safe container to remember what it means to be wild, free, and fully embodied. The practice itself is guided but very much self-led as far as the quality and intensity of activity. Think of this experience as a "Choose Your Own Adventure Story". Shamanic Stretch is for ANY BODY, ALL genders, ages 18 and up. Movements and stretches can easily be modified for anyone with injuries or physical limitations.

    About Your Host: Ida Cavewoman, is a Nordic Folk Magic & Shamanic Practitioner, Breathwork Facilitator, and a Massage Therapist of over 20 years. To learn more about Ida’s work, visit

    What to Wear: Comfortable clothing that allows full body range of motion. Layers are good for temperature fluctuations. Barefoot or socked feet.

    What to Bring: A yoga mat, blanket, and a water bottle. You're welcome to bring any other items that help you to be comfortable on the floor. There will be chairs available to use.

    When: Mondays from 6:30pm-8:00pm
    (No classes held on the 5th Monday of the Month)

    Where: The Way Home Studio
    8435 SE Stark St
    Portland, OR 97216

    Suggested Donation: $15-$25, but no one will be turned awayTo sign up, visit:

    To register visit:

    Payments can be made in person or by visiting:

    To learn more about the event host, visit:

  • Wyrd Witch 101 is an ongoing Women's Learning Circle for individuals wanting to initiate or deepen their relationship to Witchcraft. Every 1st and 3rd Friday of the month, you'll have the opportunity to explore, share, ask questions, experiment, play, and practice in an intimate setting with magical sisters. The 1st Friday will be held in SE Portland, while the 3rd Friday will be held in Gladstone. The intention is to create a container where all participants can express their unique gifts and delve into creating meaningful, lasting, and authentic personal practices, so that their magic may flourish and weave naturally into everyday life.

    Each gathering will start off with an "emptying of baskets" where we personally express what we've been feeling lately and what our current emotional, spiritual, and mental landscape looks like. Within this sharing we witness our sisters and learn how to be of support, comfort, encouragement, and accountability to our fellow Witches . We'll then collectively pick a magical topic or two to discuss followed by some guided instruction and exploration of said topic.

    We'll deep dive into practices such as: creating rituals, spellcrafting, enchanting, grounding, clearing, protection, manifesting & visioning, altar tending, divination & scrying, working with the elements, connecting with our guides and ancestors, celebrating the turning of the wheel & seasonal practices, how to work with deities, embodiment, deepening our connections with plant, animal, and nature spirits...and much, much MORE.

    About Your Host: Ida is an American born, Nordic Folk Magic & Shamanic Practitioner who practices the Scandinavian magical lineage known as Trolldom. She is a well-seasoned Witch whose magic is rooted in nature based connection, animism, ancestor veneration, Nordic paganism, and Scandinavian folk traditions. Her ancestors hail from Sweden, Norway, Scotland, Belgium, Germany, and Poland.

    Even though Ida leans heavily towards her Norse side, she has a knack for connecting others to their very own unique and diverse lineages and traditional practices. She believes that there's much to be learned within our bone memory and the powerful folk medicine that our great grandmothers used and trusted. One of her many passions is to spark other women to rekindle their roots while fully embracing their authentically Wyrd Witch. To learn more about Ida’s work, visit

    What to Bring: A snack to share, a journal, and backjack or floor cushion.

    When: 1st & 3rd Fridays from 7-9pm

    Where: The Way Home Studio
    8435 SE Stark St., Portland, OR 97216

    Suggested donation: $10-$20 (but no one will be turned away if unable to pay)

    To register visit:

    Payments can be made in person or by visiting:

    To learn more about the event host, visit:

Seasonal Events

  • Something to ponder: Tired of being quiet and polite? Ready to unlock the places that have been shut down and frozen? Our rage is just as divine as our pleasure and joy. Our expression of it is deeply needed medicine. When anger is trapped in our body it is more likely to come out in explosive and negative ways. What if we give it space to move?

    What to expect: In this 3 hour ritual, we invite you to step fully into your body, into your emotions, and into your power! Your voice, tears, sweat, and anger are welcome here. All the soul parts that have been hidden, squashed, silenced and disembodied are being called back to you in this container. We’ll hold space for your Sacred Rage and allow it to be moved and transformed into action. Prepare to give physicality to your Rage through somatic movement, dance, vocal work, and breathwork; allowing you to come through to the other side of Rage as a stronger version of YOU. All bodies, all genders, 18+ are welcome.
    This event will be offered seasonally in October, January, April, and July. Each ritual will be flavored with the current season that we're in; expressing and collaborating with the cyclical themes and dynamics that Nature provides us.

    What to bring: A journal, water bottle, and any items that feel important to be added to our altar (items will be returned unless they’re intended as an offering)

    What to wear: Comfortable clothing that allows full body range of motion. Layers are helpful as your temperature will fluctuate. The studio is a shoe free zone so you will need to be barefoot or wearing socks.

    Who are your facilitators: Andrea Thompson and Ida Cavewoman have been close friends for over 20 years and have spent over a decade regularly practicing magic together within a Coven. Through their mutual respect and deep trust of one another, their medicine weaves in an effortless way and you’re sure to be in good hands for such BIG work.

    Andrea is a native to Oregon, lover of magic, tinkering herbalist and dancer at heart. She has cultivated her practice of holding space for others through her 25 years of Massage Therapy experience in which she deeply listens to what the individual’s body is asking for and what old stories are ready to be released in that precise moment versus going with a specific protocol. Studying with Danielle Renee Battigione initiated her into her Magical practice many moons ago. Since then, she has shared and held ritual space in various magical workshops, embodiment events and at Soul Revival Ecstatic Dance for BIPOC. To hear more about her magical practice, check out Magic From the Root Podcast. To learn more about her offerings for bodywork, you can find her at

    Ida is an American born, Nordic Folk Magic & Shamanic Practitioner who practices the Scandinavian magical lineage known as Trolldom. Her medicine is rooted in nature based connection, animism, ancestor veneration, Nordic paganism, and European folk traditions. Ida is passionate about connecting others to their own unique lineage and helping others “help themselves” by teaching practical self-care techniques from her knowledge as a massage therapist of over 20 years. She’s here to hold a safe container for today's modern Homo Sapiens on their journey to wholeness and acceptance of their Wyrd, Natural Self. You can learn more about Ida’s work at and find all of her upcoming events at

    Location & Parking: The Way Home Studio is located at 8435 SE Stark St. There's plenty of street parking.

    Cost: This event is being offered at a 3 tiered sliding fee scale.Standard Ticket $75, Generosity Ticket $100, Accessibility Ticket $50 (available to the BIPOC Community, Elders 65+ & Low-income individuals


    Click the link below to register:

  • Join us for an afternoon of crafting while wearing your coziest winter apparel. We’ll have some traditional Yule/Winter Solstice crafts to work on (all supplies included). You’re also welcome to bring your own project to work on if you have one in progress. This is a casual event intended to help us slow down in the same way we witness Nature doing as we move into the Winter months. Hot tea, coffee, and wassail will be served alongside homemade treats.

    When: Sunday, December 22nd from 1pm-4pm

    Where:  The Way Home Studio 
    8435 SE Stark St. Portland, OR 97216

    What to Bring: A snack to share, water bottle, and any extra craft supplies you think you’ll need.

    What to Wear:  Cozy and comfy winter attire, pajamas welcome. No shoes allowed in the studio.

    Cost: $30-$50 sliding scale, per person. Craft supplies & refreshments included.

    You must purchase your ticket by Friday 12/20 to attend.  Tickets are limited to 21 attendees. Ages 10+

    Save the Date! Ticket purchasing info coming soon...