The Way Home Studio

A Place to Rekindle Our Roots & Cultivate Community

Our Mission

The Way Home Studio is a woman-owned, healing-centered gathering and event space intended to offer affordable access to physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness resources.  Our mission is to be a home away from home for all individuals walking their healing path, while cultivating a sense of inclusion and belonging within the community.  We strive to offer meaningful classes, workshops, and gatherings that support a rekindling of our roots, bringing all persons back to their most Natural Self.

To read the article written about us in the Montavilla News, click here

Meet the Founders

Lindsey, Ida, Amanda & Gergana

Personal bios

  • Lindsey Peck, a Holy Fire Reiki Master Teacher and Practitioner, embodies the transformative power of energy healing. Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, Lindsey's journey began with her own path to sobriety and liberation from childhood trauma rooted in a Narcissistic family dynamic. This sparked a profound quest for holistic wellness and spiritual growth.  With reverence for the ancient wisdom of Reiki, Lindsey dedicates her practice to empowering individuals on their journey of self-actualization, spiritual awakening, and autonomy. Her compassionate approach addresses the intricate web of physical, emotional, and energetic imbalances, including: Chakra alignment and clearing, release of stored trauma, muscular tension and pain relief, anxiety and depression support, headache alleviation, and comfort during times of discomfort.  Her medicine aims to awaken humanity to the boundless potential of self-care, healing, and spiritual evolution.

  • Ida Cavewoman is an American born, Nordic Folk Magic & Shamanic Practitioner who practices the Scandinavian magical lineage known as Trolldom. Her medicine is rooted in nature based connection, animism, ancestor veneration, Nordic paganism, and European folk traditions. Ida is passionate about connecting others to their own unique lineage and helping others “help themselves” by teaching practical self-care techniques from her knowledge as a massage therapist of over 20 years.  She’s here to hold a safe container for today's modern Homo Sapiens on their journey to wholeness and acceptance of their Wyrd, Natural Self.  You can learn more about Ida’s work at and find all of her upcoming events at  

  • Amanda Cheer is a lover of the arts. All of it. The art community is how we feeling like a community. Whether through a song that made you feel heard, or an art piece that called your name, art has a way of bringing everyone together, discussing their own stories.  Though her love of art came later in her life, she found watercolor and writing, her form of expressing emotions. When she has to adult and step away from her personal passions, she spends her time providing pet care. Her ability to communicate with pets has brought joy to many pet parents; and helped many ‘difficult’ dogs become a happy members of their homes. Sometimes it just takes another perspective and a bunch of love and empathy. As an empath, Amanda can feel emotions through animals and people. Being able to understand what is going on inside is key to growing together. 

  • Gergana Kirilova hails from Bulgaria and draws inspiration from her homeland when writing her blogs and giving spiritual and professional coaching. She uses spiritual practices in the work she does for friends, family and all fellow travelers alongside her on this journey called life.  She began her journey as a Reiki master when living in Lincoln, Nebraska, and strived to create an alternative healing community in the Midwest before eventually moving to the Portland, OR area. Now in Portland and among a larger metaphysical community, she opens her services to those seeking and exploring alternative healing practices. Offering Reiki and chakra cleansing services as well as classes in the practices, she continues to inform others and put healing into action for adults, kids, and even pets. She strives to help others discover their potential both spiritually and professionally. She is also the owner of The Way Home Shop, located directly next door to the studio. You can visit her shop's website at